Blog: Why I Am Running for Congress


Date: July 3, 2012

In this age of Occupying Wall Street and Tea Partying, when many people are disillusioned with both partisan establishment and big money, I chose to run because government needs regular people to be involved.

Government is often maligned as something separate from us, but it's supposed to be us, and our dissatisfaction is a result of abdicating our responsibilities and leaving decisions to others. Any citizens willing to educate themselves on the issues and to commit the time and work should be able to run for office - particularly the House of Representatives - "the people's house" - without a huge amount of money or powerful connections.

My connections are to South Carolina and its people. I attended USC in Columbia as my mother did. I have lived previously in Conway, Columbia and Spartanburg. I've been a lifelong activist for civil rights, beginning in junior high with demonstrations and de-segregation activities during the 60's, and have consistently dedicated myself to community service (including being recognized by Barbara Bush for work in literacy) I have also been involved in Corridor of Shame school. I've worked in computer system design, in medical offices and small family businesses, including a jewelry store and a milk processing plant. But my main focus has been caring for my family - 2 children, 4 stepchildren and 9 grandchildren, my husband who has a disability from combat in Vietnam, and elderly parents.

These life experiences have given me some strong, practical opinions on the struggles that families face, and the role the government plays protecting our rights and providing appropriate services. I look forward to using this experience to serve the people of District 4.
